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Inspector 365

A fully facetted Healthcare inspection platform


Inspector 365 is a complete inspection management programme for the recording and reporting of inspections on an enterprise scale. Our tool creates inspection forms which integrate with your systems to record and report on inspections (including on your website). It is also fully integrated with Microsoft 365 and Microsoft Teams.

Aimed at businesses that are looking for a fully faceted inspection management programme, Inspector 365 is designed to be customised to your inspection workflow and can integrate with your current systems, such as your website and Microsoft 365 ecosystem (including Microsoft Teams).


Powerful Form Builder
At the heart of our Inspector 365 tool is a powerful form builder, which controls the forms that inspectors use to create inspection reports. Once configured to your needs our team can quickly and easily add new forms or new elements within any of your forms.

This approach allows us to develop a scalable system for you, bringing different forms online one by one and giving you time to train your inspection team on any new processes. It also allows the structure and fields within reports to be quickly and easily updated, without the need for large rounds of development and testing.

Personalised Workflows
Our Inspector 365 tool can be fully personalised to your business workflows, from the number of forms and questions required, to the workflow states needed (such as published, in review etc.). Inspector 365 can also be connected with and push inspection reports out to your internal systems, such as your CRM or corporate website. It can also be fully integrated with Microsoft 365 and Microsoft Teams.

Collaborative Inspections
We understand that the complexity of inspections mean that multiple inspectors are often contributing to the same report outcome. So, we ensure that all changes within an inspection are tracked as standard in Inspector 365. This approach guarantees that the comments and revisions of all inspectors related to a report are retained and clearly documented whilst removing the risk of overwritten data.

Online and Offline Reporting
As inspections can take place at whilst travelling or at remote locations, Inspector 365 provides both online and offline reporting. All inspection data is saved in real-time to Inspector 365 and synced as and when an internet connection is available. Removing the risk of data loss due to connectivity issues.

Create Multiple Formats
Inspector 365 comes complete with all the tools required to instantly create multiple inspection formats from a single, controlled inspection source, stored centrally in XHTML5 format.

Import your inspection form from MS Word, or author directly though our feature rich online editor, and with the click of a button produce highly styled inspection reports in PDF, ePub, XML, HTML, Amazon formats, packages such as SCORM, web apps, static sites and more. Inspector 365 allows you to digitise your inspection reports once and reuse forever.

Major Features

  • Management Interface - Comprehensive management interface designed to manage thousands of inspection reports easily, forever.
  • Editing Interface – Editors have all the tools to edit both inspection content in every language and for any formats they require. It is a no-XML view XML editor.
  • Inspector Interface – Inspectors can fill in their inspection forms on and offline.
  • Formats on Demand - Integrated Formats on Demand included. Produce print, eBook and other reporting formats instantly. Handle any number of generation tasks.
  • Typography - Typography in the Browser provides the tools to simultaneously typeset multiple print editions of inspection reports from one master XHTML file.
  • Font Manager - A powerful CSS-3 tool that lets you manage and use fonts interactively. Handles OTF font features, font sub-setting, WOFF conversion, obfuscation and much more.
  • Interactive Design - Document Designer and a sophisticated CSS editor included. Delivering interactive CSS styling, design and layout tools.
  • Instant View - The integrated Reader panel gives you an instant online and PDF view of your reports at any time. No waiting for a processor.
Find out how we revolutionised CQC's inspection process

CQC Healthcare Inspections

Axis12 provided the Care Quality Commission with a flexible tool for their inspections process that met with their ‘digital first’ strategy.

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Contact Us for a demonstration of how we can transform your inspections.